The Sipper

How to: Stern Sling

Here is a quick overview of what the Stern Sling is and how to use it:

What is it made of:

Think of an inflatable paddle board. It's ridged when inflated, offering support and stability. The heavy-duty mesh is equipped with flexible rungs to ensure traction when heading out of the water. 


The Stern Sling is rated to 15psi but we normally pump them up until they are about 8psi or ridged but not rock solid. This will allow for expansion when the summer sun gets going and heats inflatable. 

The Tie Off:

Let the inflatable do the work. Dont make the Stern Sling so tight that the pad eyes are pulling when there is weight on it. The pad eyes are designed to keep the Stern Sling in place off the stern and not to take weight. 

The Sipper:

Make sure you enjoy a cold one in the Stern Sling. These are designed for humans as well, so make sure your kids and hounds share the love. 


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